April 15, 2015
To all OBHA members,
At the AGM in the fall of 2014, there was significant unrest about the separation of ball hockey in Ontario due to the existence of the OBHA and OBHF, as well as the quality of the events at the NBHAC and CBHA levels and the impact that it was having on various centers. Since that time, a number of centers have decided to leave the OBHA and join the OBHF.
The OBHA Board of Director’s meeting of April 13 resulted in changes in the OBHA due to the ever changing landscape in ball hockey and its impact on our organization. As a result:
1) Mauro Cugini resigned his position as President and will be unavailable to address OBHA matters.
2) Interim President is now Denis Archambault.
3) All office matters will be addressed by Jamie Robillard pending a comprehensive review of the budget.
During the coming weeks the OBHA will be meeting with the OBHF in an attempt to establish one platform for ball hockey in Ontario. At this time, we are not sure when those meetings will occur or what the proposals will look like, I ask that organizations remain stable at this time.
We have contacted and confirmed with our Insurance Broker that all insurance certificates issued to our members in the last few days are valid and your programs are continuing to be covered with both Liability and Limited Medical/Dental Insurance.
Contrary to speculation and rumors that are being disseminated about the financial status of the OBHA and its viability, the OBHA is financially healthy at this time. All suppliers have been contacted to verify account balances, as well as our Legal Counsel, Gord Ullman and no significant balances exist at this time outside of our normal operational expenses.
During the coming weeks, information updates will be forthcoming as talks with the OBHF occur. Our members will be consulted with before moving forward with any recommendations that result from these talks.
OBHA Board of Directors
Steve Skalitzky, Secretary Treasurer
Cathy Vessair, Women’s Chairperson
Dave Leitch, Minor’s Chairperson
Tim Garratt, Tournament Chairperson