• 1 OBHA Skills Competition 2024
  • 2 Men's and Women's Provincials in Brampton
  • 3 Minor Provincials in Brampton
  • 4 U8 and U10 Provincials in Belleville
  • 5 Referee Certification 2024
  • 6 50th Anniversary Hoodie
  • 7 The Ontario Ball Hockey Association is 50 years Young
  • VIDEO 1
  • VIDEO 2




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Provincial Results

Women's A Provincial Results 2021
Adult Provincial Results/2021 Womens Provincial Results
Men's E Provincial Results 2021
Adult Provincial Results/2021 Mens Provincial Results
Men's D Provincial Results 2021
Adult Provincial Results/2021 Mens Provincial Results
Men's C Provincial Results 2021
Adult Provincial Results/2021 Mens Provincial Results
Men's A-B Provincial Results 2021
Adult Provincial Results/2021 Mens Provincial Results
Men's B Provincial Results 2019
Adult Provincial Results/2019 Mens Provincial Results
Men's C & D Provincial Results 2019
Adult Provincial Results/2019 Mens Provincial Results
Women's A & B Provincial Results 2019
Adult Provincial Results/2019 Womens Provincial Results
Women's C Provincial Results 2019
Adult Provincial Results/2019 Womens Provincial Results
Women's Masters Provincial Results 2019
Adult Provincial Results/2019 Womens Provincial Results
more results can be viewed in our form section

Word On The Street

Building The Best Player Of All Time In The OBHA

If you have ever spent time in a parking lot after a game a discussion will begin, who is the best player that you have seen?  Current or all time?  You will always hear comments about certain aspects of individual players. We can almost immediately name a player associated with a certain skill or attribute, but now the OBHA is almost 50 years young and have seen incredible talent over those years and have created the BEST player of all time in both the male and female division of play.

We believe there are 10 attributes required to be the "Perfect Player".  We also believe it's impossible to possess all 10 and no player has been repeated although you can make a case for some to be a top a category. 

Below are the 10 attributes and their definitions:

Running - Quite simply the most important attribute required to play the game and even more important to be a top player
Male - Robert Mentis
Female – Britni Smith

Shooting—second most important attribute to make a difference and the player that possesses the best overall shooting skills (Slap shot, Wrist shot & Snapshot)
Male - Robert Marchese
Female - Angela James

Stick-handling/Ball Control—The art of controlling the ball.
Male - Chris Morrison Jr
Female - Kaitlyn VanVelzen

"Hands"—The ability to control the ball, receive difficult passes, roof loose balls in and around the crease.
Male – Tony Colucci
Female - Geraldine Heaney

Passing/Play-making - Perfect timing and precision distributing the ball.
Male - Yvon Breton
Female - Oonaugh Hastie

On-Floor Vision—Ability to see the playing surface in a way that allows for plays that other players would otherwise not see. Anticipating the developing play
Male - Gus Kourousis
Female - Lindsey West

Hockey Sense—Makes the correct play and is always a step ahead of the play, rarely caught out of position or off guard.
Male - Matt Tremblett
Female - Vicki Sunohara

Skill—is defined as that player that makes all aspects of the game look effortless. Makes plays at top speeds, shows creativity with the ball, and has an endless supply of moves.
Male - Wayne Shears
Female - Kelly Smith

Strength—Strength is not to be confused with size. This is the player that wins loose ball battles. Controls the ball with players draped all over him.
Male - Terry Griffith
Female - Shannon Doyle

"Heart"/Leadership—This last attribute is more intangible than the other nine, but we as ball hockey fans use these two terms often to describe that player that just seems to get the job done out on the floor. This is the type of player loyal to his organization and teammates. Always seems to be the best player on the floor when the game really matters.
Male - James Mentis
Female - Vicki Ruth

So there we have it. The ten players that would be used for parts to create the perfect ball hockey player.

